Special Offers and Islamorada Hotel Deals

Unbeatable Packages For Every Traveler

Cheeca Lodge & Spa has curated special offers for the savvy traveler. Explore our offers for savings sure to deliver grand getaways.

A Dock With A Palm Tree And A Body Of Water In The Background

Suite Escape

Reserve a stunning suite for two nights or more and receive $50 per night in resort credit
A White Couch On A Deck

Stay More, Save More

Extend your stay in paradise and save up to 25%
A Beach With Palm Trees And A Pier

Advance Purchase

Book ahead and save up to 30%
A Pool With Lounge Chairs And Umbrellas By A Beach

Best Flexible Rate

Easy, breezy travel with our Best Flexible Rate
A Hut On A Beach

Florida Resident Savings

Floridians save up to 25% on accommodations plus more perks for locals